Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus has made its way into the US and is quickly spreading. This virus is extremely dangerous because it can live for quite some time in the environment. cold weather doesn’t kill it. Both domestic and wild bunnies can catch this virus, and the virus can be carried in on clothes, shoes, hay, insects (flies, mosquitoes), etc. Infected bunnies may develop a fever, be hesitant to eat, or show respiratory or nervous system signs. But most of the time, the only sign is sudden death. THE VACCINE IS NOT LICENSED IN THE US, HOWEVER, THE USDA HAS GRANTED EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION TO MEDGENE LABS TO GET THE VACCINE OUT TO US BUNNIES.
Recommendations are for all bunnies to get vaccinated in order to protect everyone and stop the spread of the virus. It is EXTREMELY important for multi-bunny households and households where bunnies are outside at any time to get their bunnies vaccinated.
We have just purchased some doses, so here is what you need to know: ✦Due to availability, the price of the vaccine will change. It will be between $15 and $25. Right now, we offer it for $20. ✦The vaccine needs to be boostered 3 weeks after getting the first dose. Some immunity is present with the first dose, but to be fully protected, 2 doses are required. ✦If we have seen your bunny within the past 12 months, you can come in for just the vaccine and that will be your only charge (unless you would like an exam, other services). ✦If your bunny is coming in for surgery, your bunny can get the vaccine at the time of surgery. We will wait for him/her to be fully recovered and then give the vaccine. ✦If we have never seen your bunny, we do require a medical authorization - this is a very brief exam by the doctor - at a cost of $5. This is good for 1 year. Therefore, the first dose will be the $5 medical authorization and the $20 vaccine. The second dose will only be the $20. ✦If you have received the first dose from another veterinary clinic and would like to get your bunny’s second dose with us, please bring your record showing when the first dose was given.
If you would like to make an appointment for the vaccine, please call 706-671-1104 Option 4 We also offer this service as a walk-in, so no appointment is necessary. Your wait time may be longer if you decide to use our walk-in service.
Thank you for reading this long post. With your help, we hope to prevent the spread of this horrible disease.